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Saturday, August 30, 2008

How to become a tour guide on CP

Ever wanted to become a ClubPenguin tour guide and show people around?Now you can with Cheatsike!
All you have to do is follow these steps below:
1.Go to the ski village.

2.Once there you will see a tour guide stand.
3.Then click on it.
4.When you click it a take a tour sign will appear on your screen.
5.Look at the bottom and there will be a "would you like to become a tour guide yourself?"Click on it.
5.Right now you will be quizzed.Press take the quiz
6.In this quiz there is 8 questions and you have to at least get 7/8.Here are the questions that might appear:

question:How does a pink puffle play?
Answer:With a skipping rope

Questions:which game has a shark in it?
Answer:Jet pack adventure

Question:What item is hidden in a different place in the clothing catalog each time?
Answer:The Viking helmet

Question:What item is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?
Answer:Flower Pot

Question:How many coins is it to buy a player card background?

Question:How do you get a pin?
Answer:Click on it

Questions:What is the name of the big fish in in ice fishing?

Question:What day does the newspaper come out?

Question:What color of puffle can catch on fire?

Question:Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?
Answer:The beach

Question:How many sled racing tracks are there?

Question:Which room has a cukoo clock?
Answer:Ski Lodge

Question:In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin times?
Answer:Boiling room

Question:What is the name of captain rook hopper's ship?
Answer:The Migrator

Question:Which of these rooms does not have music playing in the background?
Answer:Pet Shop

Once you are done with the quiz you will be rewarded with a tour guide hat.
You will also have to get the how to be a tour guide penguin book to teach you how to be a true penguin tour guide