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Saturday, August 23, 2008

How to change your WRITING COLOUR on rs!!

If you want to talk in a different color text:
1.Fist type an @ sign
2.Then type after the @ the first three letters of the color
3.Then type another @ with no spaces.
For example if you want blue.Type in @blu@ your text will be blue.
The following is a list of different colors:
bla: Black
blu: Blue
cya: Cyan
dre: Dark red
gr1: Green1
gr2: Green2
gr3: Green3
gre: Green
lre: Light Red
mag: Magenta
or1: Orange1
or2: Orange2
or3: Orange3
ora: Orange
ran: Random, flashing text
red: Red
whi: White
yel: Yellow (normal color)