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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Need help on making a site?

Hey Cheatsike viewers!
Need help making a site?Well Cheatsike is helping any and all Cheatsike viewers on making a site just like this one!All you have to do is get atleast 1 person(excluding you)to email us and view this site!Just email us on cheatsikeblogspot@gmail.com .In the email tell us your name and we will 'hook you up' with all the things you need to make one!Or the simplest way is to go to Cheatsikes favourite links on the right sidebar of this page and click 'help with site' and you can easily submit your email there.Remeber to get 1 person to email us and tell us you have viewed!And we will also help you on how to earn money with ads.
Keep viewing Cheatsike.