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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Goblin Diplomacy

Start:Talk to the 2 generals in the goblin Village.

Start by speaking to the 2 generals in the Goblin Village north of Falador.

They will argue about which mail to ware.Tell them that you will pick and say you will help.You will need to get 3 different dyes.To make them you need red dye from 3 red berries,yellow dye from 2 onions and blue dye from Woad leaves.

Red berries are just right of the Varrock ruins next to the mine.

2 Onions can be found north of Rimmington and you can buy 2 woad leaves from Tyson the gardener in Lumbridge Park for 20gp.
Once you have them,head to Aggie in Draynor Village and she should be able to help you with the dye's for 5gp each dye.Once you have all of them,go back to the goblins and give them the mail and it will go to a cut scene.

Both generals think that it clashes with skin color so they will ask you to get blue.Use your blue on the goblin mail and give it to them again and it will be followed by a cut scene.
They wont like it.They will ask for brown,the color they were coming from.So go get them a normal goblin mail.It will once again go into a cut scene.

Quest complete!