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Friday, September 12, 2008

Club penguin SA missions:Case of the missing puffles

Once you become an Secret Agent you will be able to do secret missions.Just teleport to the spy HQ with your spy phone.Once you are there click on the top secret board at the bottom right corner.Now all you have to do is click the Case of the missing puffles mission and now the guide written below will show you how to complete it:

1.Start up the mission and talk to Aunt Arctic.She just comlains about her missing puffles.

2.Now go to the ice rink(to get there click your spy phone in your inventory,toggle to the rink,then click teleport room).Then go to the right end of the room and you will see A picture of a green puffle.Pick the pictures up.

3.Now go back to Aunt arctic and give her the photos(click on her and then the puffles)

4.Now go to the pet shop(using the map)and read the note/letter to the left end ontop of the dog house.Now click on "code" at the bottom right to decode the code.I cant telll you the answer because it changes every time for different people.All you have to do is decode the 2 words.

5.Go to the sports shop and tell 'G' you want to see some special weapons.You have to answer a question(how many socks)answer it and he will open hes secret storage place.Grab the life preserver

6.You will have to go to the Iceberg and rescue the pengiuns stranded on the other ice berg(use the life preserver and watch out for the wind).

7.After,go back to the sports shop and get the grapple hook.

8.Go right to the snow mountain and remove your spyphone.Click on the red light which will open tools,select the wrench and fix the penguins telescope.

9.Use the telescope to look around until you see the puffle and the rest is automatic.
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